
extension Publisher
  • Turns any publisher into an Effect.

    This can be useful for when you perform a chain of publisher transformations in a reducer, and you need to convert that publisher to an effect so that you can return it from the reducer:

    case .buttonTapped:
      return fetchUser(id: 1)



    public func eraseToEffect() -> Effect<Output, Failure>

    Return Value

    An effect that wraps self.

  • Turns any publisher into an Effect that cannot fail by wrapping its output and failure in a result.

    This can be useful when you are working with a failing API but want to deliver its data to an action that handles both success and failure.

    case .buttonTapped:
      return fetchUser(id: 1)



    public func catchToEffect() -> Effect<Result<Output, Failure>, Never>

    Return Value

    An effect that wraps self.