public final class TestStore<State, LocalState, Action, LocalAction, Environment> where Action : Equatable
A testable runtime for a reducer.
This object aids in writing expressive and exhaustive tests for features built in the Composable Architecture. It allows you to send a sequence of actions to the store, and each step of the way you must assert exactly how state changed, and how effect emissions were fed back into the system.
There are multiple ways the test store forces you to exhaustively assert on how your feature behaves:
- After each action is sent you must describe precisely how the state changed from before the action was sent to after it was sent.
If even the smallest piece of data differs the test will fail. This guarantees that you are proving you know precisely how the state of the system changes.
- Sending an action can sometimes cause an effect to be executed, and if that effect emits an action that is fed back into the system, you must explicitly assert that you expect to receive that action from the effect, and you must assert how state changed as a result.
If you try to send another action before you have handled all effect emissions the assertion will fail. This guarantees that you do not accidentally forget about an effect emission, and that the sequence of steps you are describing will mimic how the application behaves in reality.
- All effects must complete by the time the assertion has finished running the steps you specify.
If at the end of the assertion there is still an in-flight effect running, the assertion will fail. This helps exhaustively prove that you know what effects are in flight and forces you to prove that effects will not cause any future changes to your state.
For example, given a simple counter reducer:
struct CounterState {
var count = 0
enum CounterAction: Equatable {
case decrementButtonTapped
case incrementButtonTapped
let counterReducer = Reducer<CounterState, CounterAction, Void> { state, action, _ in
switch action {
case .decrementButtonTapped:
state.count -= 1
return .none
case .incrementButtonTapped:
state.count += 1
return .none
One can assert against its behavior over time:
class CounterTests: XCTestCase {
func testCounter() {
let store = TestStore(
initialState: .init(count: 0), // GIVEN counter state of 0
reducer: counterReducer,
environment: ()
.send(.incrementButtonTapped) { // WHEN the increment button is tapped
$0.count = 1 // THEN the count should be 1
Note that in the trailing closure of .send(.incrementButtonTapped)
we are given a single
mutable value of the state before the action was sent, and it is our job to mutate the value
to match the state after the action was sent. In this case the count
field changes to 1
For a more complex example, consider the following bare-bones search feature that uses the
operator to wait for the user to stop typing before making a network request:
struct SearchState: Equatable {
var query = ""
var results: [String] = []
enum SearchAction: Equatable {
case queryChanged(String)
case response([String])
struct SearchEnvironment {
var mainQueue: AnySchedulerOf<DispatchQueue>
var request: (String) -> Effect<[String], Never>
let searchReducer = Reducer<SearchState, SearchAction, SearchEnvironment> {
state, action, environment in
struct SearchId: Hashable {}
switch action {
case let .queryChanged(query):
state.query = query
return environment.request(self.query)
.debounce(id: SearchId(), for: 0.5, scheduler: environment.mainQueue)
case let .response(results):
state.results = results
return .none
It can be fully tested by controlling the environment’s scheduler and effect:
// Create a test dispatch scheduler to control the timing of effects
let scheduler = DispatchQueue.testScheduler
let store = TestStore(
initialState: SearchState(),
reducer: searchReducer,
environment: SearchEnvironment(
// Wrap the test scheduler in a type-erased scheduler
mainQueue: scheduler.eraseToAnyScheduler(),
// Simulate a search response with one item
request: { _ in Effect(value: ["Composable Architecture"]) }
// Change the query
.send(.searchFieldChanged("c") {
// Assert that state updates accordingly
$0.query = "c"
// Advance the scheduler by a period shorter than the debounce
.do { scheduler.advance(by: 0.25) },
// Change the query again
.send(.searchFieldChanged("co") {
$0.query = "co"
// Advance the scheduler by a period shorter than the debounce
.do { scheduler.advance(by: 0.25) },
// Advance the scheduler to the debounce
.do { scheduler.advance(by: 0.25) },
// Assert that the expected response is received
.receive(.response(["Composable Architecture"])) {
// Assert that state updates accordingly
$0.results = ["Composable Architecture"]
This test is proving that the debounced network requests are correctly canceled when we do not wait longer than the 0.5 seconds, because if it wasn’t and it delivered an action when we did not expect it would cause a test failure.
Scopes a store to assert against more local state and actions.
public func scope<S, A>( state toLocalState: @escaping (LocalState) -> S, action fromLocalAction: @escaping (A) -> LocalAction ) -> TestStore<State, S, Action, A, Environment>
A function that transforms the reducer’s state into more local state. This state will be asserted against as it is mutated by the reducer. Useful for testing view store state transformations.
A function that wraps a more local action in the reducer’s action. Local actions can be “sent” to the store, while any reducer action may be received. Useful for testing view store action transformations.
Scopes a store to assert against more local state.
public func scope<S>( state toLocalState: @escaping (LocalState) -> S ) -> TestStore<State, S, Action, LocalAction, Environment>
A function that transforms the reducer’s state into more local state. This state will be asserted against as it is mutated by the reducer. Useful for testing view store state transformations.
Initializes a test store from an initial state, a reducer, and an initial environment.
public convenience init( initialState: State, reducer: Reducer<State, Action, Environment>, environment: Environment )
The state to start the test from.
A reducer.
The environment to start the test from.